Encore un article en couplets/refrain, encore un truc facile sur quelque chose de pas facile, encore un article que vous ne comprendrez pas à moins de vous appeller Kevin ou Julien, encore un article que les gens simples ne comprendront pas, encore un article que je te dédie à toi lecteur, visiteur, hacker, même si je ne te porte pas dans mon coeur, encore un article qui ne sert à rien et qui est donc essentiel, encore un article qui n'existerait pas sans Stoune, ce qui le rend encore plus important.
Unlock the door of my sleepy heart
Burn it in your holy love stream
Then come with me my sweetheart
You'll see that I am just what I mean
I won't run awy
They know so many things
I won't run away
The trees know my story
Open the lids of my sleepy eyes
Light my skies with your feelings
Don't want to get crazy, so let's just be free
And burn my tree
I won't run awy
They know so many things
I won't run away
The trees know my story
You always said I think wrong way round
It's maybe why they want me on the ground
But I wont…
I won't run awy
They know so many things
I won't run away
The trees know my story